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Download Link ET201 - ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS designed to provide students with the knowledge of electrical circuits. It emphasizes the principles of an alternating current AC waveform, complex number and sinusoidal steady-state circuit analysis. This course also covers the applications of three phase system and operation of various types of transformers. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:- explain AC circuit concept and their analyses using AC circuit law. (C2) apply the knowledge of AC circuit in solving problem related to AC electrical circuit. (C3) use appropriate components and measuring equipments to perform related AC electrical network laboratory exercises. (P3) demonstrate team working efficiently while doing practical work. (A3) Syllabus Content ALTERNATING VOLTAGE AND CURRENT COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEM SINUSOIDALSTEADY-STATE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS RESONANCE THREE PHASE SYSTEM TRANSFORMER


ET101 - ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY introduces students to the principles of operation of DC electrical circuits. It covers the fundamental laws, theorems and circuit techniques. This course also covers cells and batteries, magnetic and electromagnetic circuits. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)  Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:  Explain DC circuit concept and their analyses with different method and approach.(C2)  Apply the knowledge of DC circuit laws and theorems in solving problem related to DC electrical circuit.(C3)  Use appropriate component and measuring equipment to perform related DC electrical circuit laboratory exercises.(P4)  Demonstrate team working efficiency while doing practical work.(A3)  Topics in ET101 - ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY Unit Associated With Basic Electrical Quantities Cells And Batteries  Introduction To Electric Circuit  Dc Equivalent Circuit And Network Theorems  Capacitors And Capacitance...